Wednesday, September 5, 2007

ASL Day Eighteen Photos

Day 18 was all about "Mitch", played by Dwight Slade. We covered all of his story lines and Dwight did a great job. So did the three women with which he shared the screen!

"Mitch" sneaks out and takes some cash on his way. "Apartment Chick", Sarah Delamarter, sleeps through the whole thing.

Dwight Slade and Sarah Delamarter. Sarah delivered a great performance in a second, emotional scene.

Director of Photography Ryan Walters plans the next shot.

"Mitch" and "Pretty Young Thing", Megan Keller.

In the late afternoon we shifted to the "Cozzzy Inn" that isn't a typo!

Director Devon Lyon walks Katie O'Grady ("Lisa") through the next shot.

"Lisa" meets "Mitch" at the hotel.

"Lisa" and "Mitch" party it up.