Monday, September 10, 2007

ASL Day Nineteen Photos

By Day 19 we'd thought we'd heard every possible noise disrupt the shoot...until the paving crew pulled up a mere 50 feet from the apartment we were shooting in.

Director Devon Lyon gives Spencer Conway his specific mark for his scene with Katie O'Grady.

Katie Atikinson applies make-up to "Libby" to cut down on her sheen.

Katie O'Grady as "Lisa".

A Tyler Stephens soundman first: the baby doll noggin' mic.

The caption possibilities for this photo are endless, here are several, feel free to craft your own:

1. Director Devon Lyon learns what happens when you hire an actor with improv training.
2. Spencer Conway takes the scene in an unexpected direction.
3. Er, Spencer, we're not filming THAT movie.

Warning: Do not mix crew with props. Another "Make Your Own Caption" moment.

An anxious "Lisa" waits for "Julian" to get off the computer as she comforts "Libby".

Crew sets up the final shot of the day.