Monday, August 27, 2007

ASL Day Nine Photos

Never fear, you didn't miss Day 8. It was a day off and none of the cast or crew volunteered to bring photos from their day off. But, here's a look at Day 9!

Ryan Walters checks out the day's first shot.

Key grip Tom Hanson adjusts a 2K light.

Tanner Ward and Mason Knight celebrate their last day on the set with a hug...kidding, actually they are practicing their wrestling for a scene. But it was, in fact, their last day on the set and both actors were awesome to work with!

Hey, Gavin, your agent called and said you'd be perfect as a young Elton John for an upcoming biopic.

Victoria Geil as "Ashley".

"Billy" gawks at "Ashley" as she kneads dough, "Derek" is busy trying to find sodas.

Director Devon Lyon and Gaffer Steve Waters check out the lighting on the dough kneading scene.

The long term effects of being a sound man are as yet unproven, but Tyler Stephens gives us a pretty good idea of how things might turn out. Consider this, youngsters, before choosing your career goals.

Victoria Geil prepares for her final close-up of the shoot. Today was her last day on set and she was a joy to have around and handled several "awkward" scenes with aplomb.

We said goodbye, as well, to Nathan White who spent his last day on set. Here is the end of his final take! Nathan was fun to have on set and did a great job playing the creepy "Billy"!